
「So you think you can dance」(風行網名:舞魅天下) 是個號稱舞種廣泛的舞蹈選秀節目,經過層層票選之後的前二十強,將會男女兩兩搭配,經過抽籤出的舞種接受編舞,再由觀眾票選出最差的三組逐步淘汰。二十強以前的初選還算充滿挖掘璞玉的驚喜,不過到了拉斯維加斯的二十強決賽,即使黑箱是如此常見,還是無法讓人信服。現代舞者Melanie的舞技平凡,身段不優,臉孔更是相當不佳,總是刻意營造醜小鴨變天鵝的努力路線,如果說臉孔不是決定因素,那麼那些初選裡舞技高超但是因為長相不佳而被淘汰的人,不會太可惜嗎?Melanie莫名奇妙一路過關斬將,獲得評審過度誇大的讚美,這些就算了,更巧合的是和她搭配的爵士舞者Marko,同樣也是成天炒作他的無聊槍傷,比起這個成年往事,Sasha的妹妹在比賽過程中診斷出患有「糖尿病」,這恐怕比他那個癒合不知道幾年的傷嚴重得多。這一對擺明就是受到節目製作得偏愛,卻還要故意假裝是努力的做作搭黨,比賽時像是男男共舞的傷眼畫面就算了,竟然還是可以一路不斷抽到現代舞或是爵士舞等對他們來說相對簡單的舞蹈,試問另外一位極為優秀的國標舞冠軍Iveta抽到的是什麼舞種?「寶萊塢」?請問舞種廣泛是有這麼廣嗎?還是說這個節目的投票觀眾也包括印度人? 而且和Iveta搭配的竟然是踢踏舞者Nick,這樣擺明是被節目刻意搞掉,假使讓Melanie來跳寶萊塢絕對是大快人心。


So you think Melanie can dance with "Bollywood" better then Iveta? Since the judges blindly love Melanie, this problem may make no difference. Actually the Melanie-Marko team is too muscular for anyone to consider that they are dancing, not wrestling. Not so good at dancing and figure, if she stands out via the attitude or potential, all others work much harder for diffuclt styles, such as Miranda. No one knows why all the adorables are kicked off, and why Melanie always can dance what she is good at. If Melanie wins the champion, it's not like a story of dream come ture, but just another TV show setup anyway.   


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